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All Successful Endeavors Start With Solid Communication

Greetings KCSAE comrades!

Communication is a key ingredient to any successful endeavor with two or more individuals. One of the major initiatives of the current board is to increase overall communication not only within the board, but more importantly, with committees and membership in general.

As part of the increased communication initiative the committee chairs were given a new reporting process for committee update reports.  The resulting reports provided effective, detailed information within each committee reporting.  The reports were then sent to all committee leaders so they can be apprised of the work occurring in other areas of KCSAE.

Mentoring was also identified as an important piece of our communication initiative.  The KCSAE website under “members only” will include a section for those interested in having a mentor.  The person will then be matched with one of our members who has indicated an interest in being a mentor.

The board agreed that the Communications Committee is moving in the right direction with plans to create a LinkedIn page for KCSAE.  Facebook has not generated a strong KCSAE following and will most likely be eliminated.

Role specific gatherings continue to grow as the board continues to identify individuals who might be missing networking opportunities.  Currently in place are the Emerging Professionals, CEO Roundtable and CAE Study Group.  The board is moving forward with plans to host gatherings for current CAE’s.  The first event scheduled in December at The Roasterie had approximately eighteen registrants.  However, due to inclement weather less than five were able to attend.  The good news is that there are plans to put together another current CAE gathering, most likely in the summer.

The KCSAE board is committed to increasing awareness of KCSAE.  But more importantly, the board is committed to making KCSAE a valuable, inclusive organization for each and every member.

We appreciate your input, questions, ideas and concerns.

If you wish to see any of the board minutes or committee reports, please contact Cynthia Edmunds at

I look forward to seeing you at one of our next communication gatherings!

Linda Secrist, CAE, CPA
Treasurer, KCSAE

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