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How to Leverage LinkedIn for Personal, Professional and Association Branding

Does your LinkedIn profile accurately represent who you are personally and professionally? Does your profile positively represent your association? Does your association use LinkedIn to proactively, and consistently, communicate information to your members and others interested in your association?

These are just a few questions for you to consider before participating in our January 12, 2017 education session titled "How to Leverage LinkedIn for Personal, Professional and Association Branding", led by Mic Johnson of Blue Gurus.

In this session, you will:

*Learn what makes a GREAT LinkedIn profile...and why it matters.
*Learn the importance of humanizing your personal/professional brand on LinkedIn as a representative of your association.
*Learn how to personalize your LinkedIn connection requests.
*Learn the types of things you should be doing in LinkedIn on a daily/weekly basis.
*Learn how, and why, your association should be leveraging LinkedIn as part of a weekly content marketing strategy.
*Learn about Pulse, LinkedIn's publishing platform.
*Have the opportunity to ask questions from a LinkedIn expert.

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