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Greetings KCSAE

Greetings and happy new year, KCSAE friends!

In the first quarter-plus of KCSAE’s programmatic year, we’ve seen the unveiling of a newly imagined KCSAE web site, a new logo embodying a welcoming and contemporary KCSAE brand, excellent educational programming, and more—all underscoring and supporting the mutually supportive, local home for association management that KCSAE is.

Each of us has our own KCSAE story and ways of relating to the association, but at core the association is about locally delivered, meaningful programs; authentic opportunities to network and learn from one another; and the mechanisms to deliver on those two vitally important imperatives. At the board and committee levels and through other forums, we’ve spent considerable time and effort determining that those three areas are the strategic focal points for the organization. And as a board we’ve noted and underscored the idea that we should concentrate on those things the local society of association executives is best-positioned to do for and with its members.

Our board work is oriented to focus on those imperatives, and we’re asking our committees to align their work accordingly. We’ve also created a new committee that grew out of the work of an innovation and program assessment task force led by Stacy Brungardt, CAE last year. The new committee, the program assessment committee, is designed to help KCSAE make well-informed directional decisions about ongoing programs as well as newly proposed initiatives. The group’s work is beginning with an assessment of the AM101 program and during the next several months is expected to also help us evaluate one to two other proposed or continuing KCSAE offerings. While it isn’t practical for the assessment committee to review all of KCSAE’s offerings in a short time, the idea of critical examination of our offerings—whether the annual meeting, educational programs, communication activities, or other functions—to adjust as needed to deliver on your needs and expectations is one we wish to instill across the committees and throughout KCSAE.

In the coming months, watch for additional communication here and through other channels about KCSAE’s progress on the organization imperatives, and please provide us input, ask questions, share ideas, or relate concerns to me or to any board member at any time. You’ll have an opportunity for formal input via a KCSAE value survey very soon, but understand that your input is appreciated at any time—through formal and informal means. Know too that board minutes and committee reports are available through Cynthia Edmunds at

While I have the space, I’d also like to let you know that Lyne Tumlinson, CAE has been appointed to the KCSAE board to fulfill the remainder of the allied director board term vacated by Rachel Ronan, who moved out of the area this fall.

All best for a terrific 2015,

Keith Skillman, CAE
President, KCSAE

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